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The Board Corner: Q&A with Liz Silva

In our new series, "The Board Corner," we are getting to know our Board of Directors and learning what drew them to serving with Sister Schools. 


In her free time, Liz loves hanging out with her dog, Trigger, painting, and playing games. Friendly competition in any form has always been a hobby of hers.

Find out more about how Liz has blended both her roles as educator and Sister Schools Board leader to have double the impact on children here and in Uganda.


To start, tell us how you got involved with Sister Schools.

I became involved with Sister Schools when I worked at Fernwood Elementary School.  We ran supply drives and had visitors from Uganda, but it wasn’t until a year later that I really got to know more about the organization from my co-worker and former Board President, Katherine Berry. She described at length the details, goals and accomplishments of Sister Schools and from that day forward, I was hooked.

As an educator, what part of our mission and program connects with you most?

As an educator, I value education and the opportunities it can bring to any person, regardless of their circumstances. Because of the power of education, I feel that it should be provided to all people as a basic right. I connect strongly with Sister Schools’ mission because it works hard to ensure as many children as possible in Uganda can attend school by providing scholastic materials and support for Ugandan educators. Additionally, I believe in philanthropy as an essential virtue that can define one’s character in a positive way. Sister Schools shows our local children that their efforts, not matter how small, can have a deep and powerful impact and change others’ lives for the better.

Why is it rewarding for you to serve on the board?

Serving on the Board has been an amazing opportunity. It has brought me closer together with like-minded people who want to see the best for others in this world. I have made friends for life. We constantly have to problem-solve, and that is an energy that I thrive on. And, I know the work we do has meaning, which is rewarding in and of itself.

If you could ask the local community to do ONE THING to support Sister Schools this year, what would it be?In order to support Sister Schools, I feel that my community could simply give. Whether that is to give their time volunteering, a listening ear to the stories and struggles of the communities that we support, or a monetary donation—that small act of giving will better the lives of others who have so little.


Are you interested in joining the Board of Directors?

Please contact Board President Melissa Pendleton at for more information.

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